Q&A with Colton (U12) about his sleepaway summer camp experience at Army West Points Sports Camp

Q&A with Colton (U12) about his sleepaway summer camp experience at Army West Points Sports Camp

Colton Meyer is 11yr old and plays for Team Philadelphia 12U. He recently spent a week at Army West Point Sports Camp in West Point, New York. More information about the hockey camps can be found here.

Q What was the name of the camp you attended and location and how long did you stay?

Colton: Army West Point Sports Camp - Hockey, 5 days 4 nights (drop off Tuesday afternoon pick up Saturday am, or drop off Saturday afternoon pick up Thursday am - depends on the week you select).

Q: Was this your first time at a sleepaway camp?

Colton: Yes.

Q: Why did you decide to attend? What attracted you to this type of camp?

Colton: My mom and dad were looking for a new/different camp (other than the local ones I’ve done before), I had friends and teammates that were also going.

Q: Best three things about the camp?

Colton: Camper challenges to earn free snack bar items, mini games after on ice practices (handball, soccer, and street ball on ice), final exhibition game for the parents on pick up day.

Q: Something that wasn’t great/ could be improved in your opinion? 

Dorms/barracks rooms were small.

Q: Would you recommend the sleepaway camp experience to others?

Colton: Yes.

Q: Are you going back next year? 

Colton: Maybe, if I have some friends going too.

Some more perspective from Colton's mom, Keri: 

"We looked at this camp for multiple reasons. One, we have done the weekly camp at our local ice rink and wanted something a little different. Two, we were looking for something that might foster some independence leading into middle school. The camp had come highly recommended by another parent whose child went last year. (FYI any girls interested in going may only do day camp, not the sleepover camp. Boys also need to be Covid vaccinated, although not sure if this will change in the future.)

We also were allowed to choose roommates, so Colton and a teammate from his school asked to be together and were accommodated.

My only mom regret was that I did not allow him to take his cell phone, worried that he would be on that instead of interacting with the kids, but he needed it to call home towards the end of the week (and he did say that the other kids were on theirs during “quiet time”).

We are hoping to send him again next summer, as it seemed that there were a lot of kids that do this camp multiple years."

Do you have any additional questions about sleepaway camp? Feel free to join the FTLOH online community and ask in the questions section. 


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